Exploring The Aisle
Together, we have seen, first hand, how the aisle separates one side from another. But, in some special circumstances, the aisle brings people together:
- When we walk down the aisle in marriage
- When we head to the front of the classroom to teach or present
- When walk down the aisle to the front of our church
- When we reach the best seats in the house while attending the theatre

The aisle is a path that can lead to a destination of connection and reconciliation. It is a clearing that is kept free of the clutter of confusion, dissension and hostility. And, it is an inviting opening to friend or foe alike where understanding is promoted, civility nourished, and harmonious relationships developed.
In these podcasts, we will explore just how the aisle has influenced our leaders and public servants; Republicans and Democrats, elected and appointed.
Join us in the Aisle where together we can deepen our understanding of the things that separate us, and explore how we can work together for the common good.

Bob Taylor – Season 2, Episode 2
Bob Taylor is a former Major in the US Air Force and B-52 navigator/radar navigator. He flew eleven combat missions during Operation Desert Storm. Bob returned home after his tour of duty thinking that he was unaffected by what he saw and did…then the nightmares started. Embarrassed by…
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